Gold Medal Software 2
Gold Medal Software Volume 2 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Text File
764 lines
DiskIndx v 2.x
Copyright 1991-1993 by JN Goodale
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
I General
Description ......................... 1
Volume Labels ....................... 1
Starting up ......................... 1
II Menus
File Selection Screen ............... 2
Main Menu ........................... 3
Search/View/Edit .................... 4
Add Volume to index file ............ 5
Update/Display Set-Up ............... 6
Remove volume from index ............ 7
Print ............................... 8
III Requirements ............................ 10
IV Limitations ............................. 10
V Error Messages .......................... 11
VI Support/Registration .................... 13
VII Shareware Concept/Ombudsman information.. 13
>>> Previous Users of DISKINDX .............. App. A
>>> Hard Drive/CD-Rom Indexing .............. App. B
Registration Form ........................... App. C
Program to create an index of files stored on diskettes/disks.
It can also be used to index CD-Rom disks and hard drives if
the file count doesn't go beyond the limit of about 2700.
The index can then be searched to locate the diskette (by
volume label) where a specific file is stored. It can also
be printed to the printer or a file.
The key to indexing is using Volume Labels, both internal and
external. You can label diskettes when you format them or add
them later with the DOS "LABEL" command.
Obviously, the internal label (written to the diskette) and the
external label (the one you hand write on the outside) should
be the same for this system to do you any good.
DISKINDX will also label your diskettes "on the fly" for you if
you are not in the habit of labeling when you format. It will
NOT attempt to label hard drives or CD-Rom drives.
Create a directory where you will keep the indexes, such as:
Copy DISKINDX.COM to that directory, or to a directory which is in
your "PATH" command.
Change to the directory where the indexes will be kept & execute:
For Color For Monochrome or LCD
------------------------------ ----------------------------
DISKINDX White on Blue DISKINDX/M White on Black
DISKINDX/1 Yellow on Blue DISKINDX/M1 Black on WHite
DISKINDX/2 Yellow on Black
If you have been using a version of DISKINDX prior to v 2.x, see
Appendix A before continuing.
If you plan to use DISKINDX for Hard Drives or CD-Rom Drives, see
Appendix B.
File Selection Screen
| DISKETTE INDEX 2.1 [UnRegistered] |
| |
| |
| Select Index FIle to Activate... |
| |
| |
| ______________________________________________________________ |
| | ARCHIVE.!21 | |
| | ZIPFILES.!21 | |
| | MYFILE.!21. | |
| | New Index | |
| | ..Quit Pgm.. | |
| | | |
| |_____________________________________________________________| |
| |
| |
| Point to selection with <──> then [ENTER] |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
You may have a maximum of 32 "Index files" (*.!21) files on any one
directory to choose from. You may choose an existing file to update,
Start a new file, or Quit entirely.
The first time you execute DISKINDX, the only selections available will
be "New Index" and "..Quit Pgm..".
Select "New Index".
You will then be asked to input a FileName (up to 8 characters, no
extension), and taken to the SetUp Screen.
Main Menu Page 3
| DISKETTE INDEX 2.1 [UnRegistered] |
| Active File --> MYFILE.!21 |
| |
| [ M A I N M E N U ] |
| |
| Point to selection with then [ENTER] |
| ________________________________ |
| | Search/View/Edit | |
| | Add Volume to Index File | |
| | Volume List | |
| | Update/Display SetUp | |
| | Remove Volume From Index | |
| | Print | |
| | Shell to DOS | |
| | Quit This Index | |
| |________________________________| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
The Main Menu may take you to a further input/selection screen. All
selection menus are described in the following pages except the "Volume
List", "Shell to DOS" and the "Quit This Index" menu items.
"Volume List" will list a summary of all volumes indexed on this Index
"Shell to DOS" will take you to DOS, with a message that includes the
amount of memory that will be available to you to perform DOS functions.
The "Quit This Index" selection will return you to the file selection
screen to pick another file to work with, or to Quit. If changes have
been made to this index, DISKINDX will sort and save the records before
returning to the File Selection screen.
Search/View/Edit Page 4
| DISKETTE INDEX 2.1 [UnRegistered] |
| Active File --> MYFILE.!21 |
| [ S E A R C H / V I E W / E D I T ] |
| |
| Point to selection with then [ENTER] |
| Sort/Selection Options: |
| _____________________________ |
| | File Name | |
| | Extension | |
| | Volume | |
| | Return to Main Menu | |
| |_____________________________| |
| |
| Note: Selecting Volume will sequence by Directory also. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
The "Search" screen is the the most useful selection, once you have
indexed your floppy diskettes.
You will be prompted to enter a "Search string" for whatever field you
wish to search on (Volume, FIleName, or Extension).
DISKINDX will find all matches to the first "n" characters of the
search string. I.E., if you enter "S" for FileName, it will find
all files beginning with "S". If you enter "TAX", it will find
all files beginning with "TAX".
Likewise, if you enter "B" for extension, it will find all "BAT" files,
all "BAK" files, and any file whose extension begins with "B".
If you enter nothing (hit [ENTER] with no input), ALL entries will be
Sequence of the data will be based on the field selected for searching.
If you selected "Volume", sequence will be by Volume/Directory.
The entries will be displayed in a scrollable format. The Description
Field may be edited by scrolling the desired item to the top of the
display and hitting [ENTER].
Add Volume to Index File Page 5
| DISKETTE INDEX 2.1 [UnRegistered] |
| Active File --> MYFILE.!21 |
| [ A D D D I S K S ] |
| |
| |
| _______ |
| Place disk in drive | A | and hit [ENTER] >> [ESC] to quit << |
| ------- |
| |
| |
| |
In this proceedure you are actually performing the indexing.
If you have altered one of your diskettes (added or deleted a file or
files), you should re-index it with DISKINDX. DISKINDX deletes all
references to files previously indexed on this "Volume" and then adds
back entries for all files currently on the "Volume". A "Volume" is
interchangeable with "Diskette" (or one Hard Drive) and the Volume
Label is what identifies it.
When re-indexing, all descriptions of previously indexed files which
remain on the diskette will remain in-tact, and you will be prompted
to enter descriptions only for new files being added to the index.
If the diskette has no volume label (DOS label), then:
1. If you have selected Manual labeling in the SetUp, you will be
asked to enter a label. This label will also be written to the
diskette. Be SURE to put an external (written by hand) label
on the diskette with the same name you gave it for an internal
2. If you have selected Automatic labeling in the SetUp, DISKINDX
will use the Volume Label Starter string, plus a sequential
number, to automatically assign and write a label. Be sure to
note the label name so you can write it on the paper label
If the diskette already has an internal label, then:
1. If you have selected Manual labeling in the SetUp, you will be
shown the label name for confirmation, and given the opportunity
to change it.
If you change it, all references to BOTH the old label name and
the NEW label name will be deleted before the label is written
to the diskette. It will then be indexed again.
2. If you have selected Automatic labeling, no label prompt will be
provided. You will be shown what diskette is being indexed, but
not given any opportunity to change it.
Update/Display SetUp (showing default settings) Page 6
| DISKETTE INDEX 2.1 [UnRegistered] |
| Active File --> MYFILE.!21 |
| [ S E T U P ] |
| |
| [ESC]-To Quit |
| |
| 1. Drives to be Indexed: |
| Drive 1: > A < |
| Can be same as Drive 1 ---> Drive 2: > A < |
| |
| 2. Options: |
| Normaly Print to File or Printer (F/P): > F < |
| Automatic or Manual Disk Labeling (A/M): > M < |
| Printer Type (1/2/3): > 1 < |
| [ 1-Epson 2-DeskJet/Laser 3-Neither ] |
| |
| 3. Computer Generated Label Starter String: > |
| |
| NOTE - This Set-Up is unique for : MYFILE.!21 |
| |
You must select the drive(s) to use for indexing first. If you have
two drives of the same size, it's nice to be able to index on A: while
you put a disk in B: - this makes indexing faster.
If your drives are of different size, I suggest you should use "B" or
"A" for both entries within one "Index File".
If you want to index your Hard Drive, enter it's drive letter (C thru X).
This will automatically set Drive 2 to the same as Drive 1. You can
index a CD_Rom drive the same way, but it will act like a Hard Drive.
In both cases, it will NOT attempt to write labels to the drive being
You may Print to the PRINTER or to a FILE (named DISKINDX.PRN). If
you elect to print to a FILE, a file will be generated which can be
copied to your printer with: COPY DISKINDX.PRN PRN. It will simply
be a text file containing data identical to the data which would be
sent to a printer. Enter "P" here if you will normally print to a
Printer, otherwise enter "F". This may be overridden at print time.
If you do not have labels on your diskette(s), you may enter them
manually or let the program assign them.
If you select AUTOMATIC labeling, you will be asked for a starter
string, and DISKINDX will use that, plus a sequential number, to
generate labels.
In either case, if the diskette is not labeled, DISKINDX will write
a DOS label (internal label) to the diskette.
Printer type is used to set the printer for condensed print for one
option in the Print menu. Enter the appropriate number.
Remove Volume from Index Page 7
| DISKETTE INDEX 2.1 [UnRegistered] |
| Active File --> MYFILE.!21 |
| [ R E M O V E V O L U M E ] |
| |
| |
| Point to selection with <──> then [ENTER] |
| ______________________________________________________________ |
| | ..Finished.. | |
| | ARCFILES001 | |
| | ARCFILES002 | |
| | ANYLABEL001 | |
| | ANYLABEL001 | |
| |_____________________________________________________________| |
| |
| |
| |
| [ENTER]-Remove [ESC]-Return [HOME] [END] [PageUp] [PageDown] |
| |
| |
| |
If you have "retired", lost, deleted, given away, or otherwise removed
a diskette from your premisies and availability, the only way to get it
off the index is to "ReMove" it from the index.
If you have left the label intact, have it on hand, but deleted all the
files, you may also do it by re-indexing it. But if it contains nothing,
it is easier just to "Remove" it.
Simply point to the Volume Name(s) you want to remove and hit [ENTER].
Remove all that apply, then select "Finished" ( or hit [ESC] ).
This will delete all reference to the files formerly contained and indexed
on this Index.
Print Page 8
| DISKETTE INDEX 2.1 [UnRegistered] |
| Active File --> MYFILE.!21 |
| [ P R I N T ] |
| |
| Point to selection with then [ENTER] |
| Sort/Selection Options: |
| _____________________________ |
| | File Name | |
| | Extension | |
| | Volume | |
| | Volume List Summary | |
| | Return to Main Menu | |
| |_____________________________| |
| |
| Note: Selecting Volume will sequence by Directory also. |
| |
| |
| |
The Volume List Summary option will print (to a file or printer) the
summary of volume names, similar to the Volume List screen display.
The other options will print the selected contents of the index file in
a sequence based on the selection. To print "ALL", leave selection
criteria blank.
After selection, you will be taken to the next menu, unless you chose
Volume List Summary.
The Volume List Summary is a printed output of the same data on the
Volume List screen display.
Print - Printer Detail Options Page 9
| DISKETTE INDEX 2.1 [UnRegistered] |
| Active File --> MYFILE.!21 |
| [ P R I N T ] |
| |
| Printer Detail Options |
| ____________________________________________________ |
| | Print one line with description, no directory | |
| | Print one line with directory, no description | |
| | Print two lines with all data | |
| | Print one line, all data, CONDENSED | |
| | RETURN to Previous Menu | |
| |____________________________________________________| |
| |
| Output to: File |
| Printer |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Since there is more data than will fit on one 80-character line, you are
given several options of how to print the data.
If you have an Epson compatible or DeskJet compatible printer, you may
print ALL data one one CONDENSED line. You must have chosen Printer Type
1 or 2 in the Set-Up options for this to be available.
You are also given the opportunity to override the Print to Printer/FIle
option selected in Set-Up. Whichever you have chosen as "Normal" during
Set-Up will be the first item in the override list.
IBM Compatible computer
Monochrome or Color monitor
1 Fixed (Hard) Drive and 1 Floppy Drive
Printer (optional)
DOS 3.x or higher
256K memory (minimum - more is much better)
Limited to 32 index files on one path and 100 Volumes
(diskettes) per index file.
The number of entries allowed is based on how much DOS
memory (up to 640K) you have. With 640K and normal
overhead, you can index about 2700 files on one "Index File".
The number of entries, or records on file, is the total of
all file-names indexed plus one "control total" record for
each diskette/disk indexed.
Within one directory you can have up to 32 "Index Files",
so could have within easy reach the index of 86,400 files.
V ERROR MESSAGES (Alphabetical sequence) Page 11
Bad File Name entered
Cause: After selecting the "New File" option, you entered
a file name with an extension. Do NOT enter an
extension. Enter only the Base Name, which can be up to
8 characters.
Response: Enter a proper file name and hit [ENTER].
File is full
Cause: The Maximum number of entries will be exceed when
the current directory of the current diskette is
Response: The program will return to the Main Menu.
Please note that the diskette that caused the overflow
has NOT been indexed.
See OVERFLOW at the end of the ERROR MESSAGE section.
File won't fit in memory - - [ESC] to Quit
Cause: Created file on a bigger computer, or have more
"overhead" loaded. Now can't read the whole file into
the memory remaining.
Response: [ESC] will Quit and do nothing.
[ENTER] will take what it can and drop the rest.
Label Can't be Blank
Cause: During indexing, if Manual labeling has been
selected, spaces were entered for the label name.
Response: You will be prompted to enter a valid label.
Not a valid drive letter
Cause: During "SETUP" you entered a drive letter for a
drive which doesn't exist.
Response: Change to a valid drive letter.
Not enough memory to work with
Cause: Your computer does not have enough memory to hold a
file array of even one element. The file is created in
memory and there needs to be enough memory to hold the
file array.
Response: The program ends.
Page 12
This is NOT an index input file
Cause: A file on your current path has the extension
".!02" and you selected it, but it was not created by
DISKINDX and could blow the program if read in. This
could happen if you re-name some unrelated file and give
it the extension ".!02". The program expects to find "!
Config" in the first field of the first record, and if
that isn't found, you get this message.
Response: You are taken back to the file selection screen.
Choose a different file.
Too many "*.!02" selections on this path
Cause: There are over 32 files with the extension "!02" on
the currently selected path. This is an absolute
limitation due to program structure. 32 separate index
files SHOULD be sufficient. If not, then put them on a
different directory.
Response: Program ends.
Move some of the *.!02 files to another directory.
Write-protect violation
Cause: Program is trying to write a label to a write-
protected diskette. This only happens when the
diskette doesn't have a label to begin with.
Hit [ENTER] and you will be given some options. They
[ENTER] - Try again. But FIRST, remove the write-
protect tab.
[S] - Skip. Ignore this diskette. Remove it and
put another one in.
[ESC] - Bail out. Back to main menu. Also ignores
this diskette.
[SPACEBAR] - Indexes the diskette, but doesn't try
to write a label. This allows you to index a
diskette with permanent write-protection and no
internal label.
If You reach the maximum number of entries that your memory will allow
(while "Adding" diskettes to the index) you will get the "File is full"
message mentioned above.
When this happens, these are your options (after exiting the program):
1. Create another Index File - You can have up to 32 on one path
2. Clean house - Get rid of files you don't need
3. Get more memory (if you have less than 640K)
Page 13
I will provide support for registered owners for six months.
This includes free fixes for program bugs and notification of
future enhancements.
If you have questions, problems, or comments, I can be reached
JN Goodale
7826 Littlejohn Court
Charlotte, NC 28227
CompuServe ID 71116,302
You may become a registered owner by printing and completing
the REGISTER.DOC form and sending it to me along with $15.
Registration provides you with:
1] Support
2] Notification of upgrades
3] Latest version with reference to "UnRegistered"
4] FREE copy of HARDINDX, another type of fixed disk
Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software
before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue
using it, you are expected to register.
Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You
should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether
it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting
your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because
the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the
ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product,
you don't pay for it!
Association Of Shareware Professionals Ombudsmen
This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does
not provide technical support for members' products. Please write
to the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send
a Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536
If you have used DISKINDX version 1.x to create index files, do
not attempt to use them in verwion 2.x. The files have a new
format and are named differently.
If you register DISKINDX, you will receive a file conversion
program to convert all your old "*.!01" indexes to the new
format, with new names of "*.!21".
All documentation for the conversion program (DSKNDXFX.COM) will
be furnished as well.
DISKINDX can now be used to index any valid hard drive or CD-Rom
During Set-Up, any drive letter above "B" will cause the program
to assume a Hard Drive or CD-Rom drive are being indexed. Both
are handled identically.
Following are differences from indexing floppy diskettes and
Hard Drives:
1. Both the "First" and "Second" drive letters will be the same.
2. No label writing will be done. If the Hard Drive (or CD-Rom
disk) does not have a label, a label of "xDRIVE" will be used
for reference, where the "x" will be the drive letter.
CD-Rom disks typically contain many directories and several thousand
files. Therefore, it is often impossible to index more than one
per "Index File (*.!21 file) due to memory limitations.
If you have more than one computer and wish to identify the
computer on which a Hard Drive is indexed (for listings, etc.),
add the folloing command to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
SET PCNAME=xxxxxxxx
Where "xxxxxxxx" is any name you want to use to identify
the specific computer.
This name will be in the heading of any printed output for Hard
Drive indexes.
RamDrives are handled just like Hard Drives.
If you have a floppy diskette named "D", the program will think it
is a Hard Drive and handle it as described!
.............End of DISKINDX.DOC............
DISKINDX Registration Form App. C
Fee: $15 [plus $2 S&H]
[ Price guaranteed thru November 1994 ]
Registration for:
Name ________________________________________________
Addr ________________________________________________
City ________________________ ST ____ Zip ____________
Mark X if
___ Outside USA | Postal Code ____________________________
($4 S&H) | Country ____________________________
CompuServe ID ____________ (optional)
Disk Size ___ 5 1/4 ___ 3 1/2 Mark preference with X
Where did you acquire DISKINDX? __________________________________________
Registration: $15.00
Shipping & Handling __.00
Total: $___.00
1] - Latest version, with reference to UnRegistered removed.
2] - Free support from the author via CompuServe E-Mail, US Mail, or
telephone for six months.
3] - Upgrade notices with the option to upgrade for a modest fee.
4] - FREE copy of FINDER, a File Find utility which will span multiple
Hard Drives.
5] - Sample disk of other Shareware by this author.
6] - Avoid that feeling of GUILT!!
Enclose a check or money order for Total $ U.S. made payable to JN Goodale.
Mail to:
JN Goodale
7826 Little John Court
Charlotte, NC 28227
This program is distributed as is. The author assumes no liability for
damage from the use of this product or the consequence of the use of
this product.
...... End of Registration Document ......